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中文十一年级 11th Grade Chinese
The computer is no longer strange things with everyone in today's modern life. Be familiar with the computer is the first step to kids reaches the technology.
中文十年级 10th Grade Chinese
The computer is no longer strange things with everyone in today's modern life. Be familiar with the computer is the first step to kids reaches the technology.
中文九年级 9th Grade Chinese
The computer is no longer strange things with everyone in today's modern life. Be familiar with the computer is the first step to kids reaches the technology.
中文八年级 8th Grade Chinese
The computer is no longer strange things with everyone in today's modern life. Be familiar with the computer is the first step to kids reaches the technology.
中文七年级 7th Grade Chinese
The computer is no longer strange things with everyone in today's modern life. Be familiar with the computer is the first step to kids reaches the technology.
中文六年级 6th grade Chinese
六年级《标准中文》课程介绍: 六年级《标准中文》修订版,共有 24 篇课文,两本练习册,3 篇文化小知识。 24 篇课文分为 6 个单元,每个单元都有三篇叙述短文和一篇对话,内容围绕某一 知识点或主题。如第一单元通过介绍科学家及日常生活中发生的故事,让学生明白, 要用科学态度看待事物,要学会动手做一做。第二单元介绍中国文化,包括起名、 属相、路名、春联。第三单元是一组富有生活情趣的短文。包括《妈妈的账单》、 《给予树》、《熊猫侠》、《你是我的知音》。第四单元是介绍科学类知识及人类 的科学探索,包括《我是什么》、《红蚂蚁》、《要是你在野外迷了路》、《去月 球探险》。第五单元又是富有生活气息的短文,包括《春运志愿者》、《我们都是 “粉丝”》、《健身》、《请教一下》。第六单元是欣赏中外有名的传统故事,包 括《三借芭蕉扇》、《三个和尚》、《六个矮儿子》、《灰姑娘》。 与第一版本比较,修订版增加了听力、说话及阅读基本功的训练。作文练习 有看图写话及回复邮件。课后练习形式更加适合学生将来的 SAT 及 AP 考试。学习 内容也更接近学生现实生活,且篇幅变短,难度也降低了,学生学习起来应该比较 轻松。 基础知识方面,要求学会 219 个汉字,420 个词语,24...
中文五年级 5th Grade Chinese
In this course, students will explore the features of a draw and paint program as a tool to support emerging reading, writing, and mathematics skills. They will locate letters...
中文四年级 4th Grade Chinese
In this course, physical education encourages students to develop their fine motor skills, movement, and confidence to enjoy healthy physical activity regularly. Students learn how to respect themselves and...